Gay pride tattoos

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A BIRD beak, usually like that of the HAWK, might jut from the face. The sun is shown as a round, humanlike face, usually surrounded by a HALO or fringe of points, denoting rays. The sun does not figure prominently in Pacific Northwestern mythology, although it was a major crest for some Haida families. The hot colors of yellow, orange, and red are common. In either form, they are sometimes given a face and even limbs or they may be completely abstract and filled with spirals. Sun tattoos are a very popular type of tattoo, often used in combination with the MOON, thus expressing totality. Solar deities and solar cults in virtually all parts of the globe and in all time periods are universally associated with the highest and best in any situation. The essence of any solar design is a CIRCLE, or solar disk, many times surrounded by rays of light. As it destroys the darkness and ushers in the new day without fail, it has always been associated with not only light and energy but also life and life-giving force. Countless religions and cultures have used the symbolism of the sun, the dominant and supreme heavenly body in our SKY.

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